
Nov 12, 2022

She sits serene on the fence post. Watching and waiting for the right moment to swoop in. In many traditions and stories, Owls are messengers and this one is no exception and like a letter from Hogwarts, this message is a happy surprise.
The Page of Cups with her gentle heart shaped face is a dreamer and tells you to release your inner child to be in tune with your intuition and spirituality which is what will guide you to emotional maturity. However she also warns you to be aware that…

Sep 6, 2022

I’ve been on a film job for the past while, hence the lack of new tarot cards, but now I’m back and here’s the

7 of Swords
Is that a light at the end of the tunnel? in this case, no. if you don't get out of the way, you will meet with a nasty surprise.
This card serves as a warning.
Just as the deep sea angler fish uses a light to lure unsuspecting prey, this card warns you to be aware of deceit. That friend who you think is holding a light for you has darker…

Jul 19, 2022

Should I stay or should I go, ask the swallows, a bird that every winter migrates to warmer climes and is a question that you have been asking yourself too. 
The two of wands shows you that you have a decision to make between two roads. Do you continue along this path, or do you fly high to see if the grass is indeed greener elsewhere. 
Like the swallows, you've been feeling restless and detached from your current space. something in you is telling you that it's time to move on.…

Jul 5, 2022

Oddly enough for someone who spent the first 42 years of their life exclusively in Africa, Wild boars have frequently snuffled around the corners of my life. Maybe something to do with my Celtic heritage that they’ve travelled over the centuries far from Europe in my blood. We have warthogs here, but boars are quite different. 

I grew up in a house that was crazy about Asterix comics in which wild boars (particulary roasted) are an ongoing theme and so when I was 16, my father…

Jul 4, 2022

I currently have two works on show in the gorgeous online group exhibition Know Thyself  featuring myself and 8 other wonderful artists Escap3 Gallery

See the show here:

Jun 23, 2022

For some reason I was actually quite terrified to paint this card. Probably because it’s been so long since I’ve painted see creatures with their slippery iridescent bodies, and probably because I have memories of the selection of tentacled beasties I painted a number of years ago and their never-ending suckers! in the end, I really enjoyed bringing this octopus to life. When I was a teen I had a marine fishtank and spent a great deal of time crouched over rockpools talking to octopi and…