
Jun 11, 2022

The four of pentacles is on the surface a simple card speaking of the line between saving vs hoarding, stability vs scarcity and security vs insecurity. It tells you to be aware of that line and of where you genuinely are on the spectrum. 

At it's most positive, it tells you that you are about to reap the rewards of what you've been squirrelling away or that now is the time to start saving.  

However, this card (like most others) goes far deeper and reminds you that holding…

Jun 11, 2022

Ace of cups, gorgeous card that heralds all that is exciting in life - inspiration, creativity and new beginings. If she comes up in your reading, you just know something wonderful is on the way. However like the moth becoming a butterfly, this may not be a comfortable process, it will likely involve an emotional or spiritual awakekening. You need to trust your intuition and know that in the end you will emerge transformed.

Yep, I am writing this as much for myself as for y'all. I…

Jun 11, 2022

The two of pentacles (or coins) is about balance. Traditionally it showed a man juggling, mine shows a pair of ravens balancing a medalion between them.

This card coming up indicates that you may be struggling to find balance between various areas of your life and it reminds you to be patient, flexible and adaptable as you work through the situation.

This card was very timeous for me in my struggle with time management and habit of over-reaching and taking on too much.

Jun 11, 2022

You've all seen this one coming - the mousebirds! The only question was which card would they grace? 

I can't think of any more perfect home for them than the Three of Cups - the card of friendship, community, togetherness and celebration. 

You've all followed Aubrey and Luna (and Kita before Luna) and so have an idea of what Mousebirds are like. I get a lot of questions about them with the most common been "what are Mousebirds like in the wild?" 

The answer is that…

Jun 11, 2022

The Hanging Man is about surrender and sacrifice, however this is not about martyrdom or deprivation. This is reflection. It is about choosing not to rush, to take the time you need to alchemize your poisons. It says that the best course of action in order to progress should actually be to do nothing for a while. To reflect and plan and wait for the right time. Action is not always the best solution

The Hanging Man is also the card of those who walk the spiritual path - who see the…

Jun 11, 2022

The four of cups represents our tendency to take things for granted and to always chase more - more money, a bigger high, better stuff, a “perfect” life.

It is also the card of regret and missed opportunities since we are so busy chasing those things we miss what is right in front of us.

The four of cups urges us to take a step back and look - both inward and outward. To take stock and be grateful for the wonderful things we do have in our lives and be realistic about what we…