
Jun 11, 2022

In an obscure corner of South Africa, not far from where I live, lives a very special and unusual community. Most of you will know of the Social weavers. A species of weaver bird that builds mansions of woven grass sometimes taking up entire trees that are home to hundreds of birds. What you may be less aware of is that these birdie blocks of flats aren't only home to the species that built them, but house three species that have created an unlikely relationship. Any structure needs constant…

Jun 11, 2022

The scene is idyllic - a golden reed bed rustles gently in the calm waters of the vlei. A small flock of sacred Ibises takes off against an immaculate sky rippling with heat. This looks like a good place to dip your feet in, however, though the water is calm, tread carefully lest you step on a crocodile.

Justice is said to be the card of truth, fairness and law, however in our modern human world, those concepts twist like worms in the hands of the powerful and we should be wary of…

Jun 11, 2022

Every time I hear the singing of cicadas, I am transported back to lying in bed on a December morning listening to the cicadas call and the knowledge that the school summer holidays stretched before me. Later on, in my 20’s it was frequently the soundtrack to road trips on my motor bike. It is a sound that never ceases to make me smile and as soon as I hear it, I can feel any anxiety I have melt away. This comforting nostalgia is the essence of the 6 of Cups.

As with all nostalgia,…

Jun 11, 2022

The Hadeda Ibis is a bird that once met is never forgotten. it has a way of drilling itself into your subconcious, usually with that big voice followed by their very assertive personality. This is what makes him a perfect Knight of Swords.

At first glance, the knight is about big changes and big opportunities coming your way which is always exciting, however these aren't just going to fall in your lap. You need to take action and create them yourself. Maybe even be a bit impulsive.…

Jun 11, 2022

The Six of Pentacles Shows you your place in the World. It speaks of Symbiosis. The Gentle give and take of the universe. It reminds us that Sometimes we are privelaged enough to be in a place where we are able to give help to another, but also that that balance can change and that there may be a time where we need to be reliant on others and that there is no shame in this as long as we don't become desperate or submissive and trapped in a cycle of need. It tells us to search out the best…

Jun 11, 2022

The King of Swords is a stern, methodical leader, secure in his authority. He calls for structure, routine and discipline and that you approach problems from a rational and intellectual point of view rather than an emotional one although he is rather the idealist, believing in the power of truth, justice, integrity and old fashioned morals. Unfortuantely this idealism can easily slip into been an authoritarian rather than an authority and to behaving in a tyrannical manner. The King of…