
Jun 11, 2022

Strength sounds like an obvious one, however this card isn't about how much you can lift at the gym or whether you can win an argument on the internet, this is the card of diplomacy. It's about surmounting obstacles using grace rather than force.

The strength card tells you that you that what you need to overcome this adversity is discipline, compassion and strength of character. It tells you that in this case, force and passion will lead to ruin.


It's pretty…

Jun 11, 2022

The empress revealed! I loved working on The Empress Card while on safari at Djuma Reserve in Sabi Sands a short while ago. The Empress is after all, the card of the natural world - of the flow of seasons, growing things and of abundance. This ties into her been the ultimate feminine. the Earth mother. A gentle nurturing presence who also isnt afraid to show her sharp intellect.

The bee is just so perfectly all these things and such a relevant beastie for what the earth needs so much…

Jun 3, 2022

The tortoise makes his way across the ochre of the karoo, stopping to nibble on a fallen San Pedro flower. 

He doesn’t rush - that would entail missing so many sublime experiences.  He knows that he will get there (wherever there is) at the right time.

 The Chariot tells you that this is the time to stop procrastinating and get moving.  You don’t need to rush things.  Take your time to do it well and enjoy the ride.  You will be successful in your pursuit, the big thing is to…

May 2, 2022

Thus far the overarching theme of my deck has been change. its been about shapeshifters. about sloughing off old skins and revealing your true self, and this one is no different.


The beastie who chose to be my magician is an old friend. 

Four years ago, I was at my lowest, I won't go into too many details here, but it was crunch time, everything I had worked towards for my adult life was in ruins. The turmoil, in true form had opened up a can of unresolved trauma…

May 2, 2022

Let's talk about the Ace of wands. I love how the wand in the original card looks more like a club than a chopstick. sometimes you need a club to beat your way through.  a skinny little stick just isnt going to cut it. 


The suite of wands is ruled by the element of fire which to me is the first magic, the element that created society. i'm willing to bet that the first wand was a torch in the hand of some prehistoric person hundreds of thousands of years ago. that is exactly…

May 2, 2022

It has a been a cold, wet solstice week here in Cape Town, all silver days and misty mountains and hot water bottles for us and the mousebirds. It has also been the week of the strawberry full moon, the perfect time to release the completed Moon Card. 


Unfortunately it's been overcast here so I haven't been able to se the moon, so you will need to be content with a shot I took two years ago when we were in France of the strawberry moon solstice over the ruins of Montesgur…